Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Well, today was my last day of exams, all 10 are now done and dusted!

My first exam was on TV drama, a clip about two jewish families during WWII, starring Anne Frank, the question was about how gender was represented

I was aiming for a high B, i feel the exam went quite well, but that's how i feel after most exams, and my results really do vary in regards to how i felt they went.

I'm hoping to do well in the real exams in may because im thinking of taking a career in media. At the moment i'm trying to sort myself a work experience at a big production company which has an office in London, so fingers crossed for my results!

The second exam, which i had today, i felt was my best exam, i just hope that's how it turns out! The question was "How does the film industry reflect British culture?", having written everything i could after an hour, i hope that i actually answered the question correctly!

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