Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Well, today was my last day of exams, all 10 are now done and dusted!

My first exam was on TV drama, a clip about two jewish families during WWII, starring Anne Frank, the question was about how gender was represented

I was aiming for a high B, i feel the exam went quite well, but that's how i feel after most exams, and my results really do vary in regards to how i felt they went.

I'm hoping to do well in the real exams in may because im thinking of taking a career in media. At the moment i'm trying to sort myself a work experience at a big production company which has an office in London, so fingers crossed for my results!

The second exam, which i had today, i felt was my best exam, i just hope that's how it turns out! The question was "How does the film industry reflect British culture?", having written everything i could after an hour, i hope that i actually answered the question correctly!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Coursework status - 2nd march 2009

I haven't blogged about my coursework yet, so i guess that this is as good a time as ever

Im in a group with Matt and CK, crazy, i know

we are making the 2 minute introduction to a film called 

Its about a young man, jason cole who is trying to take back a suitcase from a corrupt, wealthy, loanshark businessman, Simon Gray. The suitcase contains his brother's money, who committed suicide as a result of Simon Gray's theft of his money.

The scene starts with Cole approaching Gray's house, he hops his fence and carefully breaks into his house. Once inside, he searches the house for the suitcase, he goes upstairs and inside one of the bedrooms is a nasty suprise..

At the moment, the whole scene is 2 minutes 15 seconds.

I am the only actor for the whole scene

The film's main USP is it's style; it is a cross between film noir and Kill Bill, it is all filmed in black and white and has a sinister look to it

At the beginning of the film, there is rap/grime music that is diegetic, Jason cole is listening to it on his mp3. When he is infront of the house, he stops the music and carries walks up the drive. The sound of his heartbeat gradually increases throughout the scene. about a minute into the scene, the frame freezes and the voice of Jason Cole (Matt) does a quick narration. When he is going upstairs his heartbeat is quite fast and loud then, when he opens the door the music heard at the start of the scene starts up again and the film ends.

At the moment, i still have to finish the editing, which inclues;
-putting the credits in
-adjusting the sound levels
-sorting out a jump

hopefully, i will have finished the editing by the end of this week, then we will have to do our evaluation and make a DVD of the film itself, bloopers, a director's (Matt) commentary, extra scenes and filming information